10 Questions With: Victoria Durrer-Gasse

10 Questions With: Victoria Durrer-Gasse
Victoria Durrer-Gasse first visited Ibiza with her mother back in the ‘70s. Captivated by the island’s sun-drenched landscapes and free-spirited dance floors, it was love at first sight, and she returned every summer holiday thereafter. She made the permanent move in the late ‘90s, and for over a decade, she’s plied love, heart, and vision into iconic Santa Gertrudis boutique, La Galeria Elefante, where she showcases fashion and homewares sourced on her global travels alongside her own unique collections, year-round. She is committed to preserving disappearing skills like needlework and embroidery, and she supports underprivileged and victimised peoples by working with NGOs, small businesses and talented artisans from across the world. Here, she answers 10 questions:

Victoria, what’s on your morning reading list?

My to-do list on my phone, a quick flick through the New York Times, and a page or two from the Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday & Stephen Hanselman.

Where do you go for a memorable Ibiza meal and why?

La Paloma. I love it there and the food is delicious!

What does happiness look like to you?

Relaxing on our old fishing boat with friends, anchoring in a quiet cove and having a picnic under a bright blue sky, on a calm, flat sea. Then jumping in and swimming among lots of fish before returning home at sunset accompanied by dolphins!

Who do you most admire and why?

Single mothers who bring up their children lovingly.

When you travel, what three items are essentials?

Toothbrush, sarong, and a few sticks of Palo Santo.

Who would you take with you to a desert island?

My husband, Francois.

Hedonism or wellness?


Favourite shop in the world? (Other than La Galeria obviously!)

Petersham Nurseries in Richmond, London.

What’s the one place everyone should visit and why?

Madagascar for its stunning and untouched beaches, beautiful nature and friendly people. It’s the best place for a true adventure… and it keeps you spontaneous.

What advice would you give to your 20-year old self?

Don’t worry what people think of you, listen to your gut, believe in yourself, rise above negativity and focus on what you want in life.